Friday, May 31, 2019

The Cloning of Human Beings :: Science Papers

The Cloning of Human BeingsI examine five concerns held by the general commonwealth regarding human copy and argue that they show either a misunderstanding about the process and/or result of cloning, or else ignorance about what we already do. Put differently, I argue that human cloning is not in principle more questionable than other current practices. However, I do have serious concerns about the uses to which the new technology will be put. I argue that the reasons currently proposed for human cloning argon not persuasive. My position is that human cloning is not objectionable in principle, but practical industriousness of the technology raises serious concerns. In my opinion, present circumstances do not seem to warrant it. As soon as Scottish scientists announced that they had successfully cloned a sheep from cells of another sheep, people began to be alarmed at the prospect of cloning human beings. Editorial after editorial warned that wed be acting deity, that wed be creat ing Frankenstein-like soul-less creatures, and that wed be encouraging peoples tendency towards egoism to reach its ultimate expression by enabling human beings to clone themselves. President Clinton banned either federal funding for research leading to the cloning of human beings and called for a voluntary moratorium on private research. Pope John Paul II denounced heartbreaking experiments that harm human dignity.I, too, have some concerns about cloning human beings but I think that most of the fears people have are misplaced. As a philosopher who has worked on issues concerning personal identity and, more recently, medical ethics, I have a different perspective on the issue of human cloning from most commentators. Perhaps I can make a useful contribution to the discussion of this topic.I would, first, like to examine five concerns the general population seems to have about cloning human beings and argue that they show either a misunderstanding about the process and/or result of cloning, or else an ignorance of what it is that we already do. I shall argue that there is nothing in principle more questionable about the cloning of human beings than practices we currently engage in. However, I do have two serious concerns about how the new technology is likely to be used and, since I am not convinced that that there are any really good reasons at the present time for cloning human beings, I too would vote against permitting it. I1. It has been claimed that if we cloned human beings that wed be playing God.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Limitations of Gender Roles and Gender Equality :: Equality Feminism Discrimination Essays

The Limitations of sexual urge Roles and Gender Equality Just how different atomic number 18 men and women? Everyone acknowledges that there are noteworthy differences between males and females, even if they are only physical. Others see not only the physical but also the social, emotional and intellectual differences between male and female. Gender roles by definition are the social norms that dictate what is socially appropriate male and female behavior. In early American culture it was common for a womens job to be a submissive homemaker in clear contrast to the males aggressive breadwinner role. The seventies marked the beginning of the Womans Movement and the end of the ideals we held on what it is to be a man and what it is to be a woman. Women were no longer like the stereotypical homemaker, always offering a hot meal for her family, but were instead out burning bras and protesting inequality. No one disputes that the Womens Movement began but there is a disagreement on whether or not it should set to an end. One of the Womens Movement primary goals was to invalidate gender roles in the sense that women were secondary to men. The fact that gender roles exist is indisputable. Gender roles influence women and men in virtually every area of life including family and occupation. Early into childhood girls and boys are treated differently in families, schools and other institutions. Girls are encouraged to play with dolls and playhouse type of toys while boys will often play with trucks and army toys. Boys are played with in a rough manner and told to tough it out when they consider hurt. Girls are taught to be more passive and expressive with their feelings. Whether these gender roles are fair or not, is where the argument begins.Does the fact that we are treated differently base on our sex prevent us from reaching equality or are we treated differently because we are different by nature? We are indeed raised differently, but does the fact that a boy is given a blue room and a girl is given a ping room mean that a girl is being sleighted? The outdated, sexist gender roles that dehumanize women are extinct, the ones that presently exist are the ones that are true. Males are reveal in math while females are better in English.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Inclusion in the Classroom Essay -- essays papers Education Special Ne

Inclusion in the ClassroomInclusion can be defined as the act of being present at prescribed cultivation classes with the validate and services needed to successfully achieve educational goals. Inclusion in the scholastic environment benefits both the disabled pupil and the non-disabled student in obtaining conk out life skills. By including both students as much as possible in general or regular education classes all students can unwrap to work cooperatively, rent to work with different kinds of people, and learn how to help people in tasks. As Stainback, Stainback, East, and Sapon-Shevin (1994) have noted, ...the goal of inclusion in schools is to create a world in which all people are knowledgeable about and supportive of all other people, (Whitworth, 1999)Of the many benefits aspects for children placed in inclusion classrooms, there is none more important than the academic benefits. One way that students benefit is by learning skills of in reckonence. Special needs students learn to depend on themselves jump and then ask for help when they really need it. In the inclusive setting there wont be as much of an luck for teachers or aids to assist all of the students. All children are taught with bleak and sometimes improved methods when put into an inclusion classroom. Teachers , through training, will learn different methods of teaching concepts that may make it easier for students to go through. Difficult concepts in math, such as volume, may be taught in a new and easy to understand way. In a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University (Success For All) it was determined that in an inclusion setting assessments showed improved reading performance for all students, the roughly dramatic improvements o... ...d students create better life skills and a better understanding of others.Reference ListWalker, K. E., & Ovington, J. A. (1998, September 6). Inclusion and its effects on students. Electric diary for Inclusive Education, Vol. 1 E d. 2. Retrieved October 31, 2002, from http//www.cehs.wright. edu/prenick/JournalArchives/Winter-1999/inclusion.htmlWhitworth, J. W. (1998). A model for inclusive teacher preparation. Electric Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 1 Ed. 2. Retrieved October 31, 2002, from http// JounalArchives/Winter-1999/whitworth.htmlStout, Katie S.(2001, November 5). Special education inclusion. Wisconsin Education Association Council.Retrieved November 28, 2002, from http// vision/june96/speced.htmSpecial education in the regular classroom.(1969). New York, NY The John Day Company, Inc. Inclusion in the Classroom Essay -- essays papers Education Special NeInclusion in the ClassroomInclusion can be defined as the act of being present at regular education classes with the support and services needed to successfully achieve educational goals. Inclusion in the scholastic environment benefits both the disabled student and the non-disabled stud ent in obtaining better life skills. By including all students as much as possible in general or regular education classes all students can learn to work cooperatively, learn to work with different kinds of people, and learn how to help people in tasks. As Stainback, Stainback, East, and Sapon-Shevin (1994) have noted, ...the goal of inclusion in schools is to create a world in which all people are knowledgeable about and supportive of all other people, (Whitworth, 1999)Of the many benefits aspects for children placed in inclusion classrooms, there is none more important than the academic benefits. One way that students benefit is by learning skills of independence. Special needs students learn to depend on themselves first and then ask for help when they really need it. In the inclusive setting there wont be as much of an opportunity for teachers or aids to assist all of the students. All children are taught through new and sometimes improved methods when put into an inclusio n classroom. Teachers , through training, will learn different methods of teaching concepts that may make it easier for students to understand. Difficult concepts in math, such as volume, may be taught in a new and easy to understand way. In a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University (Success For All) it was determined that in an inclusion setting assessments showed improved reading performance for all students, the most dramatic improvements o... ...d students gain better life skills and a better understanding of others.Reference ListWalker, K. E., & Ovington, J. A. (1998, September 6). Inclusion and its effects on students. Electric Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 1 Ed. 2. Retrieved October 31, 2002, from http//www.cehs.wright. edu/prenick/JournalArchives/Winter-1999/inclusion.htmlWhitworth, J. W. (1998). A model for inclusive teacher preparation. Electric Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 1 Ed. 2. Retrieved October 31, 2002, from http// / JounalArchives/Winter-1999/whitworth.htmlStout, Katie S.(2001, November 5). Special education inclusion. Wisconsin Education Association Council.Retrieved November 28, 2002, from http// education in the regular classroom.(1969). New York, NY The John Day Company, Inc.

An Occurance at owl creek bridge :: essays research papers

Throughout the story, we are able to bring down of different of a world Ambrose Bierce lived in compared to the one that we know. This is the first part of the story that noticed, because in right aways world, no man would ever be hung, let alone executed for tampering with a bridge.Peyton Farquhar grew up as a rich southerner. He had everything that a man could want at that point in time a wife, children, land and slaves. However, he had always mat up something was missing. Due to the fact he was unable to fight in the army, he did not feel like he was really a man. This is why he was willing to anything as no service was too humble to him to perform in aid of the south, no adventure too perilous for him to undertake if consistent with the character of a noncombatant who was a soldier at heart. Farquhar was blinded by his enthusiasm at it ultimately resulted in his demise. His actions to tamper with the bridge did not completely terminate in failure. The illusion of escape and heroism that he went through prior to his death, was the most alive he has ever felt.Looking back at Farquhar imagined expedition back to his house, you begin to realized the pains and emotions that we was experiencing were more of a man hanging, than of one that just escaped from one. The first example is when Farquhar enters the forest and is surprised to see how dense the forest was, as he had not known that he lived in so wild a region and the stars were in an unfamiliar bod that night as well. He also refers to the pain he experiences in his neck and his were feeling congested and he could not close them. This is because there is keen force being applied to his neck and head from the noose. Farquhar was also because to experience thirst so great that his tongue was beginning to swell, but his tongue was really swelling from the pressure applied by the rope. He began to walk on the untraveled avenue, which symbolizes the avenue of death, and could no longer feel the ground b eneath his feet. It felt as if he were walking on air, which proved to be an indication of hanging.Peyton also notices a very loud, striking sound as he tries to subdue on his wife and children.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay --

You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (Twain, 181). In Adventures of huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain. huckaback is a young boy in the 1840s he runs away from home and floats down the multiple sclerosis River. He meets a runaway slave named Jim and the two go on a series of adventures leading to Jims freedom. Throughout the novel, Huck slowly changes his views of racism. As Huck begins to have a change of heart, he gradually begins to decide amid right and wrong. As a result, Huck faces moral dilemma of world between the worlds prejudice that he learned growing up, and the lessons Jim has taught him without the story about the evils of racism. Hucks struggles are revealed through the conflicts with his moral beliefs and cultural dilemmas. This is shown through his conflicts with himself, with other characters and society.Huck struggles with himself through his moral beliefs. Huck struggles with himself because he grows up in the lower class and when he m oves in with the Widow it is hard for him to sort out to the life of the upper class. Huck is speaking to the reader at the beginning of the novel about events that have occurred in the previous novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck explains how he was adopted by The Widow Douglas and how she tried to civilize him. The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me but it was rough living in the house all the time when I couldnt stand it no longer I lit out But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was pass to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back (2). This overtaking shows how Huck is being civilized by the widow and since he is from the lower class ... ...ucks struggles are revealed through his conflicts with his morals and beliefs. This is shown through the conflicts with himself, other characters and society. Huck struggles with himself when he is trying to send a garner to the Widow Douglas about Jim where being. Huck contemplates but can only think of reason to tear the letter up. Also, Huck struggles with others because many characters influence Hucks morals and beliefs. Jim has a big effect on Hucks life because he changes Hucks belief of Africans. Lastly, Huck struggles with the expectations that society has put on him. As Huck begins to have a change of heart, he gradually begins to decide between his morals and beliefs. Therefore, Huck faces moral dilemmas of being between the worlds prejudice that he learned growing up, and the lessons Jim has taught him throughout the story about the evils of racism.

Essay --

You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (Twain, 181). In Adventures of huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain. huckaback is a young boy in the 1840s he runs away from home and floats down the multiple sclerosis River. He meets a runaway slave named Jim and the two go on a series of adventures leading to Jims freedom. Throughout the novel, Huck slowly changes his views of racism. As Huck begins to have a change of heart, he gradually begins to decide between right and wrong. As a result, Huck faces moral dilemma of world between the worlds prejudice that he learned growing up, and the lessons Jim has taught him byout the story about the evils of racism. Hucks struggles are revealed through the conflicts with his moral beliefs and cultural dilemmas. This is shown through his conflicts with himself, with other characters and society.Huck struggles with himself through his moral beliefs. Huck struggles with himself because he grows up in the lower class and when he m oves in with the Widow it is hard for him to fix to the life of the upper class. Huck is speaking to the reader at the beginning of the novel about events that have occurred in the previous novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck explains how he was adopted by The Widow Douglas and how she tried to civilize him. The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me but it was rough living in the house all the time when I couldnt stand it no longer I lit out But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was difference to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back (2). This overtaking shows how Huck is being civilized by the widow and since he is from the lower class ... ...ucks struggles are revealed through his conflicts with his morals and beliefs. This is shown through the conflicts with himself, other characters and society. Huck struggles with himself when he is trying to send a earn t o the Widow Douglas about Jim where being. Huck contemplates but can only think of reason to tear the letter up. Also, Huck struggles with others because many characters influence Hucks morals and beliefs. Jim has a big effect on Hucks life because he changes Hucks belief of Africans. Lastly, Huck struggles with the expectations that society has put on him. As Huck begins to have a change of heart, he gradually begins to decide between his morals and beliefs. Therefore, Huck faces moral dilemmas of being between the worlds prejudice that he learned growing up, and the lessons Jim has taught him throughout the story about the evils of racism.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Drug Abuse in America

? Literatue Review 3 Section 1 Introduction One of the major problem in modern society is the abuise of medicines. Some use extralegal path medicines that have no medical examination use while others deprave prescription drugs for nonmedical purposes. Either way, it is monstrous can lead to serious consquences, including death. In my opus i will answer two main questions Why and how be drugs available for the general public to use? What are the mental,physical,and financial consquences of abusing drugs(prescprition or street)? My main source for answering these questions was the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) website.It is a federal angency that is responsible for enforcing the medical laws established by the justice department. This includes regulating laws regarding pharmacies, physcians, and drugs. Mr. Michael Martin, the theatre director of Walgreens Pharmacy was also a credible source as he provided clear explanations if i had any questions. I ch ose these questions because these are two very outstanding question because they not just impact the abuser but society as well. However, my point in this paper will be the consquences because they are a serious threat. Section 2 SummaryIn order to understand the consquences of drug abuse, one must know why drugs are abused. There are many reasons for drugs abuse, The reason for taking the drug depends on the quality of drug. Often times the main cause is to escape from their problems or from peer pressure. After many time, the reasons change. They become dependent on the drug and they feel sick or cannot function properly without it. (Martin) Often times the cause for using a drug is because the trail principal has a sort of reward center. It creates a pleasurable sensation when a certain action occurs.For example, for a stressed employee drinking after compute helps him relax. It causes his mind, mainly his central nervous system to slow down and all the worries in the wor ld are gone for the emploee. This provides an instance of pleasure as the brain feels good, it is able to relax. The four type of drugs are depressants, stimulants, sedatives, and hallucionogens (Martin). Depressants such as alcohol and sleeping pills make a person feel more relaxed. Stimulants like Ecstacy, amphetamines, nicotine and caffein keep a person energetic and awake.However, once the effects are over, hunger and tiredness will set in. Sedatives such as heroine, morphine and codeine ply relief from pain but cause sleepiness. Hallucinogens, for instance, Ecstacy and LSD, may give strange sensations, causing some to see, feel or hear things that are not there. apiece drug provides a relative pleasurable sensation for the user. According to the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) nearly 35 million individuals used extracurricular drugs or abused prescription drugs in 2007.The federal government has allocated more than $14 billion dollars for drug treatment and prevent ion, counterdrug law enforcement, drug interdiction, and international counterdrug tending (NDIC). As stated earlier there are illict street drugs and then there are prescription drugs, both with the potential to be abused. The first focus will be the origin of illict, or street drugs. Drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) are the main cause for the production and trafficking of street drugs. Mexican and Columbian DTOs generate, remove, and launder amid $18 to $39 billion in wholesale drug proceeds annually.Mexican DTOs are the greatest threat to the United States. Mexcian DTOs are responsible for a majority of the cocaine available in the U. S. market (NDIC). DTOs are responsible for the production of drugs and for trafficking it into U. S. cities. Urban gangs are involved in the sales of these drugs, aided by their connections with Mexican and Asian DTOs. Currently Mexcian DTOs continue to establish new markets for mexican heroin in northeastern states while gangs relocate from inner cities to suburban and verdant areas. However, a threat bigger than the illict street drug problem is the abuse of prescription drugs. Nearly 7 million Americans abuse prescription drugs-more than the number who abuse cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, ecstasy, and inhalants combined (DEA). According to the DEA, prescription pain relievers are new drug users drug of choice vs. marijuana or cocaine. Unlike illicit drugs, prescription drugs are not synthesized by DTOs in some lab. Prescription drugs are bewildered through decieving various medical professionals, theft, or from the internet. Decieving medical professionals is a technique known as doctor shopping. This involves a patient going to a doctor for a prescription drug.Then the same patient will go to a different doctor, reveal the same symptons without acknowledging the previous doctor visit, and get another prescription for the same drug. Then the patient will go to more doctors and repeat the steps. In the end, the pat ient will have numerous prescriptions for the same drug each from a different doctor. The patient will have each prescription take aimed, most likely at various pharmacies and will have a high quantity of one drug. Now the patient may use the drug or maybe even sell the drug to others who will also misuse it.Some other method of obtaining prescrition include theft from pharmacies or homes, and from conventional drug dealing. Another relatively new method obtaining prescription drugs is through cyber pharmacies. There are many illegal internet pharmacies, that take a prescription, histrion or real, and fill it for a patient without any knowledge of the patient or anything else. These pharmacies may also check patients, write them a prescription, and then fill it for them, all without a single face to face with the patient. The consquences of using these illicit drugs is very serious.According to the DEA, nearly one in ten high school seniors admit to abusing prescription painkille rs. A shocking 40% of teens and adults think prescription drug abuse is safer than abusing street drug because prescription drugs have a medical purpose. The diversion of prescription drugs woo insurance companies up to $72. 5 billion dollars annually (NDIC). Almost $48 billion dollars of the $72. 5 billion are pay by public, governement funded insurance companies. The threat level of drug abuse depends on the dosage of the drug.For example, Dextromethorphan (street name DXM, Skittles, Robo) is an over the counter cough suppresent commonly found in cold medications. DXM is abused in higher than recommended dosages, mainly by adolescents, to create visual and auditory hallucinations. The recommended dosage of DXm is 15-30mg. Taking a dosage of 100-200mg results in sonant stimulation, whereas taking a 200-400mg dosage results in euphoria and hallucinations. A 300-600 dosgae results in distorted visual perceptions and loss of motor cordinations. A 500-1500 dosgae may result in disso ciative sedation. Any higher dosage will lead to death.As indicated above, the dosage of the abused drug affect the consquences. The higher the dosage than recommended, the more dangerous and serious the consquences. The most abused substance is hydrocodone, which is a depressant. It is a pain reliever that calms the body. There are many indications of drug abuse. The symptons witnessed depend on the type of drug being abused (MayoClinic). Depression and low blood pressure are indicaters of opioid painkillers abuse drowsiness and impaired judgement indicate sedatives abuse. Stimulants abuse is indicated by insomnia and irregular heartbeat. Section 3 AnalysisThe research was very laborsaving in providing answers for the questions. I learned that there are many ways to obtain illict street drugs and prescription drugs. The street drugs are produced by DTOs and even trafficked by DTOs. However, they are sold by local gangs in various environements, mainly in inner cities. I learned th at prescription drugs are obtained through decieving and fradulant online transactions. The most suprising fact was that drug abuse has a big affect on society. The cost for counterdrug enforcement and diversion of drugs is very costly and the money could be diverted to something more useful.The research has thought me alot about drug abuse and why avoiding it is the best option. It was helpful to learn these facts and learning the dangers of falling into the viscious drug abuse cycle. Works Cited DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Prescription Drug Fact Sheet. PE Html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1. 0 transitional//EN http//www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtdhttp//www. w3. org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional. dtd Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration. Web. 13 Mar. 2010. .

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Enchanting a disenchanted world: Revolutionizing the means of consumption Essay

Cathedrals of Consumption concept was coined by George Ritzer and it intend a site of employment that is part of a, multinational commode, and has international success of exceptionally high level (Ritzer, 1999). Ritzer (1999) explained that the corporation success and its Cathedrals of Consumption, is in a way that it displays of excess and abundance and gives organize to consumer cult. Besides providing unalike commodified services and goods at their different locations existing around the globe, Ritzer (2015) indicated that Cathedrals of Consumption often allows the consumers to do things themselves, and other strategies making consumers believe that their shopping placement that is new found will change their lives forever. Cathedrals of Consumption are designed with an expectation that the consumers will develop the passion for getting goods and services gradually. They are places of overweening consumption, and this has led the consumers to hyper-consume than they need. Disney founding and its other aspects are of interest to this paper because it represent a Cathedrals of Consumption in myriad ways. From the definition of Cathedrals of Consumption, as provided by Ritzer (2015), Disney human falls as one of the Cathedrals of Consumption. Disney World or Walt Disney World Resort is operated and owned by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, which is a branch of Walt Disney Company which is a corporation (Walt Disney World, n.d). This implies that Disney World is part of an international corporation, and it is just a site of consumption for the larger corporation.Ritzer (2015) further showed how Disney World is a Cathedral of Consumption. Disney World in a way displays of excess and abundance and gives rise to consumer cult, besides providing different commodified services and goods at their different locations existing around the globe. At Disney World, I stick consumed many things such as a day at Walt Disney World, T-shirts, fast foods and other non-o bvious things such as a day at the ballpark, medical service and a lecture. I have become a loyal consumer of Disney Worlds many goods and services that I think I need and other innate goods and services. Additionally, Disney World has global presence through its several products, theme set and many of its business enterprises such as the television shows (the Disney channel),movies (Walt Disney Studios), and cable television profits (Walt Disney World, n.d). Lefkon & Safro (2013) pointed out that the CEO of Disney World claimed that over one billion people globally use Disney products monthly. Moreover, there are 229 Disney stores online and in innumerable stores, Radio Disney for children, Disney energetic which are wireless phones that are very popular in Japan, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Publishing that is the largest publisher of childrens books globally, Disney Ownership of ESPN and ABC, Disney credit card, Disney catalogue, and Disney theatrical. Lefkon & Safro (2013) ass erted that all these are synergistically employed to market one another in a system that is tightly integrated and this sells the brand of Disney and yields large profits, hence has created a consumer cult.How is this cathedral an employment of re-enchantment in a disenchanted world? Give concrete and specific examplesThe Cathedrals of Consumption, such as Disney World, must be re-enchanted continually if they are to maintain their attracting capability of sufficient number of consumers. Disney World is an example of re-enchantment in a disenchanted world in many ways. Ritzer (1999) defined re-enchantment as a process of creating a spectacle through simulations and extravaganzas. Spectacles According to Ritzer (1999, p. 96) are astonishing shows such as the Mardi Gras, conventions, fairs and even the department stores. You must offer roughthing extra for whatever you have to sell.Disney World re-enchanted by transforming the amusement parks, creating moral order compared to the early parks, cleaned them up and making them be accepted as family entertainment. Walt Disney World (n.d) pointed out that Disney offered controlled, self-contained environments free from different forms of problems that undermined earlier parks. Despite the fact that visitors who arrived in early parks felt danger and sense of looseness, the tourists arriving at the Disney World take comfort and know for a fact that within Disney World lies a world that is tightly regulated.How does it enchant and re-enchant? What mechanisms does it use to do this? Show this by using the following concepts from Ritzer, Chaps. 5 & 6 Spectacles, extravaganzas & simulationsDisney World enchants and re-enchant using different mechanisms such as spectacles, extravaganzas and simulations.SpectaclesThese are astonishing shows such as the Mardi Gras, conventions, fairs and even the department stores (Ritzer, 1999 p. 96). The new consumption means in Disney World create spectacle in order to bring very many people to buy services and goods. A casino, a mall or a theme park that is half full or empty has a smaller population of selling and does not generate a connatural excitement as a full house. Disney World uses spectacles since it understands well that sparsely populated consumption cathedrals generate less appeal and can fail. galore(postnominal) people are animated by presence of a large number of persons, and this translates to increased sale of services and goods.ExtravaganzasThese are different devices used in creating a spectacle (Ritzer, 1999 pp. 98). They are also intentional shows put to produce spectacles. In Disney World, they distinguish themselves by putting on spectacular shows than their competitors. Disney World uses variety of devices in creating their spectacular shows such as legendary stars, large orchestras, huge casts, potentially dangerous and live animals, elaborate production numbers, booming sounds, blinding light shows, breath-taking technology. preten tious sets, daring nudity, incredible costumes among others (Ritzer, 1999 pp.98)SimulationsThis is the process of creating an illusion of reality, where the real imitates the imitation now, and the unreal becomes the reality (Ritzer, 1999 pp.103-111). Some of the entertainment simulations at Disney World include the video and figurer games that correctly simulate the environment. Film simulations are also popular in Disney World since they are controllable, of high quality. Moreover, theme park rides are simulators where the ride simulators sapidity like they are realistically moving according to the motion scripts pre-recorded.How does the Cathedral use science and rationality to create the magic of these spectacles? Be certain to give concrete examplesThe Cathedrals of Consumption uses rationality and science in creating magic of these spectacles in many ways. AS they attract more consumers of their products, their enchantment must be reproduced on demand over and over. In addit ion, branches of the enchanted settings that are successful are opened globally and across the nation with the result that the equal magic essentially must be reproduced in many locations. To realize this, the magic is systemized in a way that it is recreated easily from one place or time to another. For example, use of wienies, the examples seen on DVDs (Ritzer, 2015)Is your cathedral a landscape of consumption? Using Ritzers definition explain why or why notLandscape of consumption encompasses a number of Cathedrals of Consumption r geographic areas encompassing two or even more Cathedrals of Consumption (Ritzer, 2015, pp. 103). Disney World is a landscape of consumption because it has a variety of Cathedrals of Consumption. Walt Disney created a revolutionary amusement park that is the theme park devoted to a particular motif. Others include Disneyland Park, business district Disney, Disney World in Florida, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland Resort Paris. Moreover, magic kingdom is at the heart of the Disney World. According to Lefkon & Safro (2013), a trek through the Disney World begins and then ends on the main street of United States, an outdoor shopping mall. This leads to other six lands that are themed which includes Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square, and Mickeys Toontown Fair. More broadly, all of these theme parks as well as other consumption means are found in one geographic area or even coterminous to Disney word, making it landscape of consumption.Is your cathedral in devolution (Chap. 8, p. 189) or in more or less other postmodern revolution (p. 188)?Disney World is in postmodern transformation since recently it experienced setbacks and declines and there is a possibility that the declines could be transformed into devolutions that are long term where consumptions continue to retreat (Walt Disney World, n.d).How do you think the large Recession has affected your cathedral? Be specificThe great quoin aff ected Disney World in many ways because before the great recession Disney Wonderland had irrational exuberance, and this led to overbuilding of different structures and a great deal of excess capacities. After the recession, newer settings of consumption that were able to overcome the challenges and the weaknesses came up (Ritzer, 1999).Are there some favorable and political policies that have affected the development, growth, or devolution of Cathedrals of Consumption?There are some social and political policies that have affected the development, growth, or devolution of Cathedrals of Consumption. There are efforts through policies to find new uses for of the consumption cathedrals such as the big box stores, soon-to-be empty. Additionally, in some cases, I have seen true devolution as where contemporary consumption means are replaced by independently owned small shops. Moreover, I have seen in some malls especially the strip malls vacated by the chains being occupied by independ ent small entrepreneurs. All these changes are as a result of social and political policies.ReferencesRitzer, G. (2015). Essentials of Sociology.Ritzer, G. (1999). Enchanting a disenchanted world Revolutionizing the means of consumption. Thousand Oaks, Calif Pine Forge Press.Walt Disney World. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from https//, W., & Safro, J. (2013). Walt Disney World 2014 Expert Advice from the inside source. New York Disney Editions. quotation document

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Christianity Essay

A. Christian and HinduHinduism is one of the oldest devotions of the reality. Its followers are called Hindus. Its largest following is found in India. Hinduism traces its roots to the Indus Valley civilization near 5000 old age ago. It is an intermingling of the religion of the nomadic Aryans (indo European tribes) called Vedism and the more sophisticated indigenous Indian native teachings and practices, often referred to as Indus valley culture(Famighetti, 1996, 654). It has no angiotensin-converting enzyme founder or creed but drew on more traditions as it evolved. In spite of the fact that it was subject to many influences (a little Islam practices are incorporated into it) it stayed flexible enough to be the dominant faith of most people of India (Hammer 1982).After the Aryans, Hinduism went through and through and through many developments and in 1200 AD the religion was officially named Hinduism by the Muslim invaders. There is a minimal organization in Hinduism and a n absence of creed particularly because Hinduism operates more as culture than a religion. The religion is so diverse in scope that it does not fit well into the western concept of religion but rather it leans more to a perpetration to or respect for an ideal way of life of life, known as Dharma eternal order, righteousness, religion, law and duty (Hammer 1982).In a much later time, a spick-and-span kind of religious movement, Christianity, was founded some AD 30. Christianity is based upon the teachings of Jesus, a Jewish carpenter who resides in the Roman province of Palestine. He was a popular count on in that part of the world because he was known to perform many miracles of healing. His life and his teachings are found in the al-Quran the first four gospel truth of the New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These gospels were written by diverse authors (excluding Jesus).Jesus Christ is believed to fulfill the prophecy of Messiah (a redeemer of the world) in the Old T estament. In fact, the main teaching of Christianity is that Jesus died on the overlay to reconcile sinners back to divinity. He offers unconditional love and forgiveness to those who accepts him as Lord and Savior. He gained many followers especially after his resurrection and before commodious, amidst persecutions Christianity became the official religion of the many provinces of the most powerful Empire in that era, Rome. At present, Christianity is embraced by many countries of the world (Crofton, 1991, 312-313).B. Two characteristics of each religionThe Christians believed in a Triune theology God the Father, God the intelligence (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy centre. Although they are three, they are in deal manner considered as one (monotheistic). The Christian concept of trine is that God is one but manifested himself in three ways, each with separate function. As God the father, he expresses himself as the Supreme Creator of incessantlyything, whether seen or uns een, as God the Son he expresses himself as God natural as man (incarnation) with a flush to reconcile man back to God by dying in the cross as a sacrifice for sin, and as God the Holy Spirit he expresses himself as a spiritual Being who indwells Christian believers to impart to them the power and strength to overcome the trials and temptations while living on earth(Boettner , 1976 , 80-81 ).The Hindus, on the separate hand believed in a supreme being (Brahman) who is thought to be present in all creatures and that, at the same time, creatures are in any case considered as part of him. They believed in many different gods and goddesses, but all are considered to be symbols and expressions of Brahman. separately deity groundwork appear in many forms or incarnations. Their most important expressions or manifestations of Brahman are Brahma the creator, Shiva the destroyer and Vishnu the preserver (Crofton, 1994, 304).Although the west may consider the Hindu faith as polytheistic , Hinduism shadow be viewed as Trinitarian, one God in three major manifestations Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva. However, Hindus can be accurately described as henotheistic they adhere to the belief that gods and goddesses are facets, forms, manifestations, or aspects of the one supreme God (Perry, 1988, 230).The Christians also believed that man lived nevertheless once on this earth and after he dies he is bound(p) to two places, Heaven or hell. Heaven is for those who lived a godly life on earth, who ask for forgiveness of their sins and acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior. unitedly with God and his heavenly beings the saints bequeath live a life of bliss forever. inferno is the destiny of those who persisted in transgressing Gods established Law, revealed to man through the account book, and to those who did not acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior.They will be with the Devil forever and be tormented without block. Wherever he may end up, death eternally liberate s man from a life on earth (Crofton, 1994, 312-313). The Hindus, on the other hand, believed that after a man die he would be reincarnated into another life depending on Karma. Karma can be understood most simply as the accumulated good and bad acts of mans prior lives, which consequently determines his type of birth, length of life and kinds of experiences in the next life. Hindu concept of reincarnation is the continuous transfer of ones soul from system to body.Hindus believed that good Karma assures a person of being reborn into a better life. A person with bad Karma may not be reborn in a human body, but perhaps as an animal or insect. In Hinduism, the goal is liberation from an endless cycle of rebirth (Perry, 1988, 230).B. Similarities and Differences between Each Religions Concepts of each of the two characteristics,Both religions are similar in their belief of a Triune God (although in Hinduism it cannot be accurately stated that they believe in leash because there are o ther lesser gods and goddesses that vie for worship). In the two religions the first and second and third persons of the Trinity are similar as God the creator, God the preserver and God as the destroyer. However there are obvious and important differences in their characters or functions. Brahma is considered a very impersonal God because he should not be disturbed by man in fulfilling his duties and obligations as a creator (Cory, 1986, 10).God the Father on the other hand longed to have a personal relationship with man and in fact many verses in the Bible expressed his desire to be mans provider, sustainer and protector. He even promised man that whenever man calls him, he would answer him (Thompson, 1983, 812). In the case of Vishnu he is so different from God the Son because of the fact that whenever dharma on earth is threatened Vishnu travels to earth in ten incarnations including as fish and tortoise (Crofton, 1994, 304). God the Son for his part traveled to earth only once to settle the issue of sin (which threatens whatever is good on earth) and to accomplish this mission he was born incarnate as full God and full human in the person of Jesus Christ only.Unlike Vishnu (who lived in milky waters of Vaikunth skirt by thousands of hooded serpent) he lived a truly human life subject to all of its trials and temptations (McDowell, 1991, 271-276). Lastly, Hindus knew Shiva as a destroyer in a tyrannical way he destroys imperfections, illusions, desires, attachments, impurities and ignorance for the welfare of the world and those who inhabit it (Perry, 1988, 304). Although God the Holy Spirit can be an agent to dispense judgment on errors like Shiva, he is different from Shiva in the sense that his primary function is to empower men to live a godly life by native in them so that they themselves will overcome whatever is negative in this earth (Thompson, 1983, 1112).Unlike the Brahman who can manifest himself in various forms and in innumerable gods and g oddesses, the Christian God does not manifest himself aside from the three mentioned above (Thompson, 1983, 76). Also, while in Hinduism it is believed that all things are part of Brahman, in Christianity God is distinct from his creation. He does not in anyway appear as a fish or tortoise but may use his creation to relegate his purposes through the exhibition of his power (Thompson, 1983, 646).With the case of the philosophical system of the afterlife, both religions believed that there is life after death and this next life is made possible because of the domain of the immortal human soul. Both religions also believed that whatever mans state will be in the afterlife is determined by the actions he had while living on earth. However, similarity ends here for both religions because surrounding this doctrine are many obvious differences. In Christianity, there are only two destinations, the good to heaven, and the bad to hell.The human soul is transported to these places and wil l permanently live there forever. There is no way that his eternal condition can ever be reversed or change. Also his death is the final liberation of human existence, there is no way that he will ever be born again either as man or in any other form. Moreover, his destination will determine whether he will be finally liberated from any human suffering or continue to live with it in eternity. If he ends up in heaven, then he will be liberated from suffering but if he ends up in hell, suffering will be his lot (Crofton, 1994, 312).In Hinduism, however, after the physiologic death, man is going to be reborn either to a better life or to a worse one depending on karma. Good karma enables him to be reborn to a better life, perhaps from a bucolic to a king, or for a bad karma to a worse one from a peasant to an insect. Departed soul search and find out a body, where it can continue doing what ever it left off in the last life. The Hindus believed that as long as the soul engages in egoi stic and desire ridden actions, considering himself to be the doer of his actions, he will be forever subject to the cycles of birth and deaths and the laws of nature.The only way to be liberated from this endless cycle is to perform selfless desireless actions for humanity and to offer to God detached devotion and sacrifices, acknowledging him as the doer of all (Hammer 1986). This Hindu belief expresses the idea that a person can make up for whatever wrong he did while alive on earth and eventually end up liberated, unlike Christianity where a person can never undo what was done while his was on earth and the consequences of his actions in the afterlife can never be changed.D. Origin and Contemporary Expression of Each Characteristic.Tertullian was the first one to use the word Trinity in 215 AD when the early Christian church was facing a lot of doctrinal errors concerning the existence of God, as various heresies circulated (Cairns, 1967, 122). Although the word Trinity is not stated directly in the Bible nor explained thoroughly nevertheless it was amply implied. Trinity in fact was subject to controversy as it was humanly impossible to understand a one God in three persons. Early Christian scholars were forced to give this doctrine a careful thought and consideration through studying of the Biblical truths.The doctrine of the Trinity is widely accepted by the Christians of today, in fact, it is considered to be central to the Christian faith (Ryrie, 1972, 29).Today Christians make a statement of faith in Trinity through reciting the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. Celebrating the Trinity takes place the first Sunday after Pentecost. Christians expressed their faith in the Trinity by making the sign of the cross In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (cross, 2007, 1). But it must be remembered that the Christian concept of God is a monotheistic one.In Hinduism, the wraithlike concept of Trinity is expressed i n the Vedanta, a section of the Vedas (foundational scriptures of the Hindus). Vedas is believed to be revelations of God and its teaching are handed down from generation to generation through the gurus. Written Vedas were made around 500 years ago. But generally, the Hindu religion as a polytheistic one derived its concept of many gods also from the Vedas. Contemporary Hindus today visits Hindu temples to worship major Gods and local shrines to worship their local gods and goddesses (Perry, 1988, 230).The origin of the Christian doctrine of life after death, in Hell and Heaven is taken from the Bible. The writings, which eventually were gathered together and came to be known as The Holy Bible, were written over a period of 1500 years by more than 40 different authors living on 3 different continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe). The first book of the Bible were believed to be written by Moses around 1450-1400 BC (Crofton, 1991, 312). The Christians today, just like those who had gone before them, do not expect their loved ones to live again after death except in the final bodily resurrection when Christ returns for the second time. They knew that the physical separation was final. They bury their dead (usually enclosed in a coffin) in a cemetery and visits on a regular basis to pay their respect to the dead (Crofton, 1991, 311).The endless cycle of rebirth is known as Samsra by the Hindus. The precise origin of the Indic belief in Samsra is uncertain. However, it is a fact that the ancient culture of India celebrated cycles of nature and human earthly fertility rhythms. The concept of rebirth may be derived from this. Nevertheless, no affaire how samsara originated, the doctrine of rebirth became popular in India in the sixth century B.C. The contemporary expression of their belief in reincarnation can be seen in the cremation of their dead. It is believed that as the skull of the dead cracked upon burning in a funeral pyre, the soul of the dead is released fo r its rebirth in the next life. The ashes of the dead are cast upon the quasi-religious waters of the Ganges River. Also, the Hindus never set a monument for the dead for the person continues life onwards it is not shackled to the past (Perry, 1988, 231).

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Social Role of Women

If asked what is the social role of women? The most logical answer would be that of a mother, a nurturer. Someone else may say barefoot and pregnant nevertheless it all panned break to be the same thing, inferiority. Throughout the centuries, women such as Mary Wollstonecraft fought to change this gender stereotype. It is socially thought that women are inferior to men, which is palliate the case in many countries. A Vindication on the Rights of Women was written back in the 1700s, where women were to be submissive to their husbands.Disobedience was not tolerated. The cooking, cleaning, and rearing of children was the main objective. Wollstonecraft pointed out in her writings her displeasure of the government, and how women were not allowed to participate in the political issues but were expected to abide by its laws. Women were poorly organized, but expected to educate their children. Therefore, children received poor educations (Wollstonecraft) . Even in this time many women f elt the woes of their confinement and precious to be more socially accepted.Women played major roles in shaping this country. During the Civil War, women such as Sarah Emma Edmonds acted as nurses, Union and Confederate soldiers, and even spies (Wilson) . After the Civil War, it brought about significant change for womens rights. Wollstonecraft wanted equal opportunity in the political policy as well as in the government. She wrote a letter to M. Talleyrand Perigord, Late Bishop of Autun, she states, I plead for my wake up not for myself, in calling upon you now to weigh what I do advanced respecting the rights of woman and national education. (Wollstonecraft) Wollstonecraft demanded Perigord do an investigation on the Constitution, and when it is revise that women be included in the revised version. As we look at todays social standards, we as women have come a coarse way. We now own businesses we are in congress, and even running for President. I do believe that a woman woul d be able to run this country just as well as men. We are the backbones of our men without us they would not have gone as far as we have. We still have some obstacles to hurdle over.Now that we have broken out of the homes and into the workplace, we must now battle to be equally paid and acknowledged as that of men. Women are lose but we are paving our own way to equality. One day we will be looked at as an opponent and not a subordinate.Bibliography Wilson, Barbara A. Women were There. 3 December 2010 <http//userpages. aug. com/captbarb/femvets2. html>. Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication on the Rights of Women. New York, NY Penguin Classics, 2004.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Princess and the Pea

In the fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, by Hans Christian Anderson, a Prince is in search of a Princess for her hand in marriage, but there are many Princesses, and he only wants to marry a literal princess. In the explanation of this fairy tale, there is a Prince who has traveled wholly around the world in search of a real Princess to marry, but unfortunately every Princess he comes across is not the real Princess he wants.The Prince then returns home, and one stormy night, a tattered Princess shows up at his door. In this case, the inciting incident is when the Princess shows up at his door, this leads to the rising attain of the plot. In the rising action of this fairy tale, the Prince is faced with the conflict that this Princess is only another fake, and not what he is looking for. As a part of the rising action, the Princes Mother puts a single pea under twenty mattresses, which the Princess sleeps on later that evening.This leads up to the climax because the conflict go away be solved by the single pea under the Princesss bed, and in the morning the conflict will be solved. The climax is reached when the Princess wakes in the morning, and the Princes Mother asks her how she slept. This is when the emotional tension reaches its peak because either she felt the pea and she is a real Princess, or she did not, and the Prince would not have married her.The falling action in this fairy tales results when the Princess confesses that she had a terrible night, because she felt something bruising her entire body. By this point the conflict is solved. The Prince and his Mother decide that she is indeed a real Princess, and fit for his hand in marriage. Lastly, the denouement is reached after the Princes decision to marry the Princess, they get married and Live happily ever after. This is the denouement because all conflicts have been resolved, and the story has its final resolution.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Ethics of Human Resources

Ethics in business may abstruse everything including hiring decisions, pricing decisions, strategic decisions, and so on. The withdraw for a process for making ethical decisions in business is great. There are a large number of instances where ethical decisions are necessary in business operations, and corporations find that they can get themselves into trouble even when they are trying to be ethical if they do not have a tough and effective procedural structure to guide employees in making such decisions.The Human Resources department must operate with ethical standards that are clear and that process the kinds of issues this department will face. The HR professional handles more than hiring and firing of employees, also being responsible in some degree for orientation, training, union negotiations, decisions regarding compensation, special programs for addressing oeuvre problems, and so on. All of these tasks must be infused with an ethical structure that helps HR professional s make good decisions.Hallier and Leopold (1996) note the nature of defining the problem of characterizing the personnel assist by pointing out that the terminology is ambiguous, contradictory and controversial (p. 46) and yet as a discipline on which a good deal is placed At its most ambitious, however, HRM has been seen and promoted as a set of thoughts and practices which are radically different from those of traditional personnel management. Most significantly, the management of the workforce is seen as central, if not the key, to emulous advantage (Hallier & Leopold, 1996, p. 46).To a degree, the distinction made between personnel and HRM is only a matter of terminology, yet more respect is accorded HRM than the personnel function in the literature. Human Resource Managers will have to respond to a number of demographic changes in coming years, each requiring some special consideration, including older players, minority groups, and single and childless couples. Managers wi ll have some guidance in these areas from legislation passed to cope with the changes and to both protect workers and define the rights of business to make authorized decisions.The breadth of issues facing HR professionals is indicated by Lachnit (2002) when she writes, How does your companion treat employees when they bring management bad news or unpopular opinions? Are your organizations core set real, or are they just pretty words to be inscribed on corporate trinkets (para. 5). There is no doubt that the relationship between the worker and the average company has been changing for some time, with less job security and more flexibility for the company.This has created particular problems in the public eye, notably a erudition that older workers are not being treated fairly (as one analyst notes, Age discrimination is the most frequent type of discrimination boot it is not only unlawful, it is bad business Age discrimination in the workplace, 2005) or that minorities may not be given sufficient opportunity if affirmative exercise programs are outlawed in the future.Managers may have to develop more creative ways to achieve diversity and to incorporate demographic changes into their thinking, but they eldest have to recognize the scope of the problem and the need for creative solutions. Human resource development (HRD) has three important componentstraining, education, and development. When the three are properly coordinated, HRD has a positive effect on worker productivity and so on the productivity of the company. Training improves the performance of workers and so increases their motivation, and as they work harder and produce more, the company profits.HRD is also dedicated to seeing to it that skills do not become obsolescent. Employees may have their skills upgraded through added training and education, and this benefits them in terms of promotion. Workplace diversity is some other issue that will remain important. A recent survey among members o f the International Association of Business Communicators found that diversity was one of the most critical challenges approach by these communicators (Geddie, 1999, pp. 27-30).These professionals found that cultural and language diversity can pose significant barriers to effective communication, but there are other factors which can be equally daunting. In addition to cultural and language diversity, the American workplace is increasingly made up of individuals with varying degrees of technical competence as sound as educational backgrounds. Mergers can bring together employees from different corporate cultures as well, and overcoming differences in corporate cultures can sometimes be as toilsome as overcoming differences in national origin.Translators can address the differences between languages and culture, but cannot help a company when it merges with another organization and demand to synthesize a new corporate culture. In these situations, the best approach is to develop a corporate communication strategy which should be in accordance with the companys overall strategic goals and objectives (Geddie, 1999, p. 38). Diversity training also needs to take into account the various levels of the organization. It is common, for example, for companies to provide diversity training at the low and mid? levels of an organization, but to foreshorten the executive level.Despite the gains which have been made by minorities and women, the executive level in many companies remains largely white male, and there is sometimes the belief that diversity training and effective interpersonal communication training is not needed at these levels (Flynn, 1999, p. 52). Leadership is required throughout organizations, but it is necessary in the HR department as these changes are implemented in order to assure that the changeover is smooth, that needs are met, that laws and regulations are fulfilled, that workers are satisfied and motivated, and that the needs of both workers an d employers are met to the degree practicable.The HR professional has a role in this process. The Human Resources professional has to understand kind-hearted behavior and is also involved in shaping that behavior, and this is why Human Resources can be called a behavioral science. The HR professional has to be capable in several areas of humans behavior, including communication and motivation Warnick (1993) discusses the importance of communication for the Human Resources professional, which he says is the single most difficult profession in the business world today.In part, he says this because of the communication requirements placed on the professional. He states that employees expect the professional to take up their cause and resolve issues in their favor line executives expect him or her to take care of people problems no matter what the cause and top management expects him or her to relieve the company out of legal problems and to maintain in high spirits employee morale .The HR professional must advise management on a variety of issues but especially in areas that concern laws or guidelines involving employee rights. The need to keep the company out of legal problems begins with the HR professionals job of advising and counseling employees to ensure that they do not feel the need to appeal to any of the many administration agencies that now exist to provide redress. In these two roles, however, there is a potential for disaster because they are conflicting roles.The model for civil law in the U. S. is adversarial, and this is true in labor law as well. Warnick asks how it is possible for the HR professional to advise management and still maintain confidence in managements possible legal position while at the same time advising employees about whats in their best interest? The professional who gives too much weight to any side will lose the confidence of the other. The HR professional is a communication facilitator who is managements spokesperson and the employees advocate.He or she is expected to play a comforter role. Communication between management and employees is the responsibility of human resources. When management decides that a change is needed, Human Resources announces, explains, and justifies the change. Human resources also takes the concerns of employees and employee issues to management for consideration, review, and possible redress. Employees expect human resources to serve as their advocate and to plead their cause to management.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

History of U.S. in 400 Words Essay

I am very proud of my country because it was formed on the foundation of liberty and has continued to survive freedom for all of its citizens as well as helping to spread freedom throughout the world. First, America was founded by common people looking for a better way of life, one in which they were able to practice their religion and participate in how their settlements were governed. Committed to their beliefs, America endured eight years of war to step-up their freedom. There were many hardships along the way disease, starvation, and suffering but we hung in there and eventually beat the British, the most powerful nation at that time. Then, we did something ball over we made it a democracy, the first in the world. People thought it was crazy, this American experiment, but we proved it could work.Unfortunately there was a problem brewing bondage It ended up causing a great civil war, the North pitted against the South. We got through it and in the end the nation was reunited and freedom for all prevailed. Women assuage had some problems, though, and after nearly one hundred years of protesting they finally received the same rights as men as they got the right to vote. Our ideals of freedom were therefore tested outside our boundaries. We got pertain in World War II as we helped to purge the world of the atrocities that the Nazis inflicted. We helped in the Korean and Vietnam Wars in their struggle for freedom and equality.After a long Cold War, we were successful in our efforts to get the Soviet Union to end communism and tear down the Berlin Wall. We also got involved in the First Gulf War as we worked to get the Iraqis out of Kuwait and restabilize the country. Then, on September 11, 2001, terrorists struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and an airplane in route to Washington, D.C. and we again had to defend our freedom. We are continuing to help put an end to the senseless acts of terrorists along with teaching the people in Iraq and Afgha nistan how to defend themselves against the Taliban. The join States of America is a world power, supporting the individual rights and freedom of people throughout the world. It stands for and supports liberty and justice for all, and that makes me incredibly proud.

Monday, May 20, 2019

A Walk To Remember

What salient point struck you most regarding the meaning of confessedly passionateness? The point in the photo that struck me the most regarding the meaning of true revel Is that when you sleep with whatsoever ace, you would do everything and anything Just to aim sure that the soul you love will be happy and love forever. It Is true In the movie when capital of the United Kingdom did his shell to show how much he love Jamie although Jamie was non her Ideal girl and she was going to die soon and leave him of the United Kingdom changed for the better hen he came to love Jamie. He realized that the most important thing for him was their love for distributively(prenominal) other. 2. Cite situations in the necessitate which reflects the element of true love. * London changed his bad behavior and habits. He believed that it would make him to be worthy of Jasmines love. *London stood up for Jasmines sake against his friends. Although he k immature that both(p renominal) of them would criticize him, he nonetheless did it for her. *London tried to receive only of Jasmines wishes which she could never do beca role of her illness.Although London did not have a good relationship with his father, he still asked for his help to cure Jamie. *London married Jamie despite the fact that she would die soon. *Although years has passed, London still hold on to his promise to love Jamie forever 3. What lesson can you derive from the movie? The movie t individuallyes me that loving someone is not all roughly happiness. It is also about the sufferings and challenges that a couple should stage together in order to let their love last forever.A person would not be afe atomic number 18d(predicate) to suffer and feel pain because e/she knows that the joy and meat he/she gets from loving someone is greater than those. Also, once a person learns how to truly love, he/she would be more than willing to fully play the other one despite of her/his shortcom ings as a person and as a first mate. He/she would apprehend and cargon for her/him until the end. A true love means that a person Is willing to do and render everything Just to let the other person be happy and feel cherished with all the moments that they atomic number 18 together. . Are there differences in societys expectation in ones partner and the qualities that really count? There argon differences in societys expectation in ones partner and the qualities that really count. Most people would have an ideal partner, which they assume, who would make them happy and complete. But in reality, there are many instances that the person who is destined to be loved by someone is really different from his ideal partner and his ideal situation of his love story.It does not matter if one has a token stock for his partner. Because once he experiences how to truly love someone, he would realize that loving Is not something that should be planned ahead. What really Important Is that h e knows how to value and love the other person despite the circumstances which he does not expect to come. A paseo To hatch By Emplace in the movie that struck me the most regarding the meaning of true love is that when person you love will be happy and loved always.It is true in the movie when London did his best to show how much he loved Jamie although Jamie was not her ideal girl e/she knows that the Joy and affection he/she gets from loving someone is greater love means that a person is willing to do and sacrifice everything Just to let the other 4. Are there differences in society expectation in ones partner and the qualities that really count? There are differences in society expectation in ones partner and the truly love someone, he would realize that loving is not something that should be planned ahead.A Walk to RememberIntroductionACME Financial is a fast assumeing fellowship that owes part of its growth to several new-made acquisitions. ACME Financial now wants to con solidate the companies instruction technology resources to eliminate redundancy and share reading among the new companies. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has oversight responsibility for the project and has hired Client/Servers R Us to develop the architecture for the new incorporated information form. Joe Consultant of C/S R Us presented 3 client/server designs to the CIO and is requesting the CIO to select one. The CIO is not sure which middleware design is best for the companys goals. The CIO has asked Chris Consultant to present the advantages and disadvantages for each of the alternatives.Background ACME Financial Incorporated (AF Inc.) is an investment banking company that provides an online service that allows their clients to devil accounting and securities industry information. ACME Financial Inc. recently acquired several small and average sized companies throughout the country, each with their own financial and accounting dusts. Almost all of the companies have genuine their own application computer package for their analysts use in their daily jobs, but only a few provided on-line account service. The analytical tools rely on near-real magazine market entropy and historical market entropy.The CIO wants to consolidate the financial and accounting information into a corporate information organisation that can provide decision support applications for corporate management. Naturally, since the computer hardware is different for different companies, the CIO expects to upgrade the hardware to hold up the new Information Technology (IT) system. The CIO will select the best analytical software as the standard software used by all company analysts. Each local site will be expected to provide an on-line service for their customers.Customers will be given the necessary application software to access their account information. Finally, ACME Financial has developed special entropy mining software that gives them a competitive advantage . AF Inc. offers their customers investment advice based on the information derived by the data mining software. Each account manager receives the information and then provides tailored recommendations to each customer based on their portfolio. arrangement RequirementsThe following call of system necessarys reflects the systems priorities (listed roughly in order of priority) 1. Availability The CIOs number one priority is mellow school availability. AF Inc. markets their reliability and feels that most clients choose them for their dependability. The CIO wants to maximize the systems availability. To achieve high availability, if a regional office cannot provide support then a customer moldiness always have access to the on-line service through a different office. 2. Data Integrity The requirement for data integrity varies in spite of appearance the system. The most important data are customers transactions.It is necessity that a customers transaction is never lost and the sy stem must guarantee that each transaction is completed. In contrast, data lost from the high data rate inputs, such as Reuters and the NYSE, are easily recovered during the each political program so it is not critical if some data are lost during a broadcast. 3. Performance Financial markets are highly volatile time predisposition of data is measured in minutes. Millions can be lost if information is delayed getting to the analysts. The system must be able to support information broadcast throughout the network.4. Security The CIO is concerned about the security of the data mining software and the information produced by the data mining software. The Chief decision maker Officer thinks the data mining information software provides a competitive advantage for the company. If an unauthorized exploiter had access to the information they could steal the data mining applications or steal the information produced by the data mining software. In either case, the perpetrator could make the same investment recommendations as AF Inc. account managers. Therefore, if competitors had access to the information the results could be financially devastating to the company.The CIO is concerned that a competitor could pose as a customer and hack into the highly sensitive information through his on-line service account. 5. Growth The CIO envisions an incremental migration process to install the new system due to the magnitude of the change. Also, he expects that AF Inc. will continue to grow and acquire more companies. The CIO wants to be able to develop more application software as new customer services are added. The CIO also wants to add more near-real time information sources tothe system.6. Backup and retrieval The CIO understands that the system will encounter problems from time to time. A key factor in determining the systems success is how quickly the system can recover from a failure. Backup and recovery must be smooth and non-disruptive. One way to ensure that the s ystem can easily recover from a system crash is to make sure the data is duplicated elsewhere on the system. The corporate database is the primary spur up for each of the regional offices.ConfigurationEach local office (Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest) has accesses a regional information hub. Local offices use client software to access the local application server. These application servers access the local databases for almost all of the information needed on a daily basis. For access to information needed less frequently the application software should access the central database at corporate headquarters. Each regional database has only the subset of information that is relevant for its area, whereas the corporate headquarters maintains all of the information from each region as well as data that is unique to corporate applications, such as additional accounting and company financial information.The corporate office is also trustworthy for the data mining software a nd information. Each of the regional databases is connected with high capacity links to the corporate database. Finally, the corporate office receives information from Reuters, NYSE, NASDAQ, and other financial markets. The information shine fluctuates daily from 30 40 KBps to 4 5 MBps. Twenty-five percent of the information is immediately broadcast to the regional offices to support the on-line account service. All the information is filtered and stored in the database.Architectural AlternativesAlternative I The Database Management System This alternative takes advantage of the extended functionality provided by the popular relational database management companies, such as prophesier and Sybase. All information is delivered into the system where it is immediately stored into one of the databases. The relational database management software is responsible for the dispersal of information throughout the system. Clients communicatewith the databases through Standard Query Languag e (SQL).Corporate and regional databases are kept synchronized using features supplied by the RDBMS software. Transactions are guaranteed by using special Transaction bear on Software. The vendor-supplied RDBMS software is responsible for back-up and recovery of all the databases. Data security is handled at the row level within each database. This means that clients can only receive records for which their user has permission. Existing application software may have to be modified to use SQL. Alternative II Common Object Request agentive role Architecture (CORBA) This solution depends on CORBA to tie together the clients and databases. CORBA is responsible for distributing data across the system. The RDBMS software is still responsible for the back-up and recovery, but the databases are kept synchronized using CORBA as the primary transport machine for the data.Clients, application servers, and databases communicate to each other through CORBAs transport mechanism. Existing ap plication software would be wrapped in IDL to communicate with other applications. Special near-real time handling application software would send the information to each of the regional offices where it would be directed to clients that subscribe to the information. Alternative III capacity and Queuing (M&Q) The message and queuing design uses commercial M & Q software combined with a transaction processing increase to ensure customers transactions are completed. Dec Message Queue and MQ Series are some of the leading products for messaging and queuing software. Clients communicate to other entities using messages. Messages are deposited in queues and the message and queuing middleware is responsible for message distribution to the appropriate clients. The software applications will be modified to send and receive messages from queues.Questions to outcome (Total 100 points)The case study must be discussed covering the designs and these questions with your teammates, but your fin al write-up should be your cooperative work. Doing research on specific products for the assignment should certainly be a team activity. The total distance of the write-up should probably not exceed 5 pages. 1. Describe in more detail the architecture of each architectural alternative. To do this you will need to flesh out the specifics of the various parts. This will require some research on theproducts indicated (or other comparable products that you locate).Note that some services are automatically provided when a particular product is purchased, while others must be developed to satisfy the system requirements. You should describe what services are automatically provided by the products, which services would need to be developed, and how services should be distributed across the network. (40 points) 2. Evaluate each of the alternatives against the system requirements, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each. (You may assume that the hardware will support all soluti ons.) In your analysis you cogency consider issues such as which alternative gives the system developers the most flexibility, which alternative provides easiest keep, and which alternative requires the least adaption to the current system. Other hints for system comparison are listed below. (40 points)3. Prioritize each alternative or apprize a different solution if you think it superior to the presented alternatives. (20 points) Suggestions on how to proceed 1. There is not copious information to make an informed decision about each of the alternatives. As a team, allot a percentage of your time to discover which products offer what type of services. You do not have enough time to do a complete market survey so be selective. 2. If you depend only on marketing information you may find that the alternatives are equivalent. So you might want to go beyond the market literature in doing your research for this assignment.3. As you do your analysis, pay particular attention to some of the following kinds of issues a. How well does the architecture support the basic system functionality requirements? b. How much run time achievement overhead does the architecture impose? c. How well will specific products handle the high volume of data? d. How will each architecture handle occasional peak loads? e. How easy is it to customize the system to new requirements? 4. In your analysis, when you are considering costs, you do not need to consider the actual product cost. (It may be impossible to get actual product costs anyway.) Instead, evaluate cost with respect to the arrive of customized software that will be necessary to implement each alternative, and how this might affect long-term maintenance costs, time to implement, flexibility, etc.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Do You Have a Well-Designed Organization? Essay

Do You Have a Well-Designed Organization? What ar the main ideas of the article that you find key (insightful, relevant, practical) in managing people in organizations, and why? When I saw the topic of this article, I was attracted by it. Because when I worked in Sung-Yi Motor Corporation, a dealer company selling Mitsubishi motors in Taiwan, I sometimes savor my company is not a well-designed organization. Because I do not have the standards or right criteria to valuate my corporation I can not definite that my corporation is a not well-designed organization.I am so exciting that I have the method and standards to evaluate it. The first condemn of this article for about companies, organization design is neither a science nor an art its an oxymoron. I like this sentence very much. Because when I proposed the restructure project, I bumped into this kind of challenge. When my company set the branches in mainland China, we needed to confirm and control these branched. The first way we adopted is just add the responsibilities on my group, the result was that we can not support and control them effectively.We faced the difficulty and we need to adjust our structure to improve the situation. This article provides golf-club tests to evaluate the structure of organization. The nine tests can be categorized to two kinds of standards four of them called fit tests are used to evaluate an existing structure, and the others called good design tests are used to create a rude(a) one. These tests help a company inspects its outside and inside situations. By the result of these texts, an organization can dislodge its original not proper structure to a better one. Next paragraph I depart use these tests to evaluate my previous company.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Authentic Leadership Essay

1. Learning ab out matchlessself is an essential measuring in becoming an verit open leader. What role did self-awargonness play in Sallys story of leaders? Throughout her journey, Sallys self-awareness made her into an authentic leader she is. Self-awareness is having a personal insight of ones self, and as Sally was be aware of her strength and weaknesses she understood herself and what she clearly wanted. She was fit to kitchen stove her traits and characteristic, both her assets and flaws to her advantage. Sally likewise concentrated on her values, emotions, goals, motives and who she really was deep inside. And as she did so, she was open to inform herself to the maculations she was in. She learned to be a chameleon that adapts to the current surroundings. After her second book, she rose to more fame and eventually adjusted herself to be presented as who she really is in front of her audience. After finding oneself along those age of professional experiences and ri sks she took, she learned to present herself as simply an author, and not a social science gifted who took advantage of what she has to offer.2. How would you describe the authenticity of Sallys leaders? Her authenticity comes from simply portraying herself, not pretending or conforming to what is the trend in leadership. Sally takes her internalized chaste perspective, not allowing the pressure or whats happening around her affect her but leaning on towards her core values and moral standards guide her behavior towards situations. Her experiences in different aspects of flavor were able to shape her into a genuine person, and that what performs her an authentic leader. She wasnt simply conformed into following the flow of reality in her life, but she was determined to wait and human body out the vague spots in her verve. She knew what to follow without needing any help or advice, because as tell earlier she was aware of whom she really is and what she really want. She had the sense of spontaneity in her probably in leave alone of her inspiration in life who was Holly Golightly, a character known for her instinctiveness, in assembly line to structured leaders who confide to theoretical knowledge.3. At the end of the case, Sally is described as taking on the blanket of leadership. Was this important for Sallys leadership? How is taking on the mantle of leadership related to a leadersauthenticity? Does every leader reach a point in his or her considerer where embracing the leadership role is essential? Yes, I personally think it was an important classify of her leadership. She was evolving and maturing in her leadership as she wasnt anymore an outsider looking in but individual who embraces the role she has. It is related in a leaders authenticity because taking the mantle of leadership makes you know what youre stand is among the community or the organization you are in. You are knowledgeable to what you should do, what you preserve do, and what ar e the involve of your followers are as a leader. You wont be able to lead well if you are not confident enough to take on the shoes of responsibility and walk on it, it takes courage and commitment to do so.However, not every leader has the same near and style in his/her leadership. Some are very hesitant to fully embracing and getting their men dirty in the process, not being able to take risk as they dont have a great sense of confidence in themselves. While others, like Sally are able to put their selves out in the open, taking the role and responsibility of an authentic leader and livery their originality in leading.CASE 10.2 MOVING MOUNTAINS FOR EDUCATION AND PEACE1. What are the driving forces behind Gregs leadership? Which of Georges characteristics of authentic leaders does Greg exhibit? When Greg gave up on his attempt to scale The Savage natural elevation as a way to honor his late sister, it evidenceed the lack of his commitment in reaching his goal. Greg got disc onnected from his group and lost his way on his way down to the mountain, he went missing for seven old age until he was found and aided by the villagers of Korphe, Pakistan. He was able to witness and experience the love and care that the villagers were providing him even though he was just a mere stranger plus a extraterrestrial being in the land. This incident became the starting point of the force that driven his leadership, it was the need in his heart to be able to give back to the village that once helped him when he was left exhausted, weak and disoriented. From then, he was able to discover more about the differences of their culture in contrast to the culture that the Americans were brought up. And as he notice and learn more about the Korphe village in general, he became more engrossed and attached to it.These forces were able to drive the once lacking-in-commitment man he was to a man behind 78 schools (by 2008) in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Greg exhibited the 5th char acteristic of an authentic leader, which is having the passion about ones mission. Everything that Greg did was an act from his heart and not to settle with any selfish ambitions. He simply started by offering his expertise as a hold back to the village after recovering from the exhaustion of being lost. He then promised to come back and produce a school for the people of Korphe, after learning that they couldnt afford a decent education. Greg began inquire for donations and even reached to a point of donating everything he owned. But after all the effort and passion that didnt go unnoticed, he was finally able to give back and make his promise into a reality.2. In the chapter, we discussed moral reasoning and foil as components of authentic leadership. In what way is each of these components a erupt of Gregs leadership? Greg exhibited his transparency in numerous of ways in his leadership. He was decisive in revealing his true self to the villagers and was honest to disclose the matter of the promise he needed to meet when he came back from Korphe to his relatives, friends and even celebrities. He was also able to share his motives and disposition in an catch matter with politicians and even religious leaders without spurring a conflict in between. Greg was able to show both his positive and negative trait, as a resultant role of being transparent but this transparency and openness in communication became a huge factor for him to be able to meet the needs of the people not only in Korphe but also reaching to Afghanistan and the rest of Pakistan.As the foretell of Greg Mortenson became rapidly known of, he had achieved in gaining the trust of various people from Islamic religious leaders, presidency officials, military commanders and tribal chiefs. Not only those influential people who help position but also those individuals who Greg randomly interacts with, these individuals greatly helped him in his endeavors. His effort werent appreciated by eve ryone he received termination threats and hate mails that reached to a point of having him held at gunpoint. However, Greg used these happenings to his advantage and used to it as a air for his avocation in regards to education and peace. He was able to make an ethical decision during an unlikely situation to be in, which I think is a characteristic of moral reasoning. This kind of strategy led Greg to make ethical decisionsone after the other, that resulted into 78 built schools by 2008, but I must place that he wasnt able to give justice in exhibiting moral reasoning in contrast to his exhibition of transparency.3. In pursuing his goals to build schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Greg faced enormous challenges. What role did authentic leadership play in helping him meet these challenges? Did being an authentic leader always have a positive impact on his work? Greg Mortensons authenticity in leadership was probably the result of a critical life event in his life. When he got l ost in nowhere on the way down to the mountain and when he got frustrated but got a comeback of a life changing lesson with the chief village, these two were on of his life altering events. He not only became a stronger individual, but also a strong leader. It has triggered all the right characteristics in him that brought the authentic leader out of Greg. As Greg was shaped after the events of his life one after the other, he then knew how to handle the challenges he was faces not confiding in anything or anyone but just doing what he knows best. In the passage, there were a few instances that his authenticity in leadership werent well-received.When he was first starting the project of build the school, he was struggling to in searching for thr budget of 12 grand. After the help of a affect and a good friend of him, he got the budget and started to put his promise into action. However, he encountered problems in regards to the leave and the case of building the bridge. After the success of building one school after three years, he continued doing his work and encountered quite a few more impacts. Greg was an authentic leader, meaning he was a leader whose traits were just merely based one his self, his influence and inspiration. He was not trained or taught how to be a leader and more importantly how to handle certain common situations. This was one of the downfalls of being authentic in Gregs leadership.

Friday, May 17, 2019

High Protein Diet and Gastric Bypass Surgery Essay

at that place are two real common approaches to weight loss management. Gastric bypass surgery is a trend many are opting for. A high protein diet has similar results however, it takes more willpower to chance on desired results. This essay will provide the pros and cons to each choice.Diets higher in protein and moderate in carbohydrates on with diet and exercise are thought by experts to reduce blood fats. * Can cause wellness problems, such as pre diabetes and diabetes. * Decrease blood glucose for pre diabetics and diabetics.Researchers concluded that a 15 percent increase in protein ( a caloric ratio of 30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrate) with a constant carbohydrate brainchild can result in significant weight loss. * Participates in the study ate 441 fewer calories.* inform greater satisfaction, less hunger, and lost weight. The high protein diet also helps lean tissue while earnest fat for fuel. * Reported feeling less hungry and increased energy. * You will be changing your point toward protein and limiting your carbohydrates. Gastric bypass surgery makes changes to your digestive remains to help you lose weight. * You will receive to follow a strict diet for about 12 weeks beginning with liquids, then progressing to solid foods. * betray medical checkups to monitor your weight loss e.g. ( blood tests and various exams). Gastric bypass surgery is very expensive.* Can cost anywhere from $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 * There are many options available to people who do non have insurance to pay for this surgery. This method of weight loss can improve or crack up conditions with the guidance from your medical treatment team. * Increase probability of all needs for medications in a diagnosed typeface 2 diabetes patient. * Loss of high blood pressure and high cholesterol 70-80% in patients. In conclusion, two high protein diet and gastric bypass require lifelong changes. A strong support system will increase your ability to maintain your des ired results.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Global Missions Paper Essay

In this essay I give analyzes Escobars thesis and compares and contrasts his theological soula with other theologians. I will discussion Escobars contextual approach as compared/contrasted in relation to one theological stalk with two other contemporary theologians. I will summarize how Escobars overall theological contribution either expands or challenges the theological perspectives of the two theologians chosen. Lastly, I will look at how these perspectives would influence my ministry if I were in a culturally diverse ministry setting.In 1970 there was a group of theologists who came unneurotic and absentminded to liberate themselves from a traditional fundamentalist view they formed The Latin American Theology partnership called The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. There hope was to establish their own identity within the corporation because it was not tied to anything else. They received the chance to speak at a worldwide mixed cognomen office where th ey each deliberated spiritual matters that connected with the hardships of the Latin American people. In 1973 the Chicago Declaration was an labour to balance civic responsibility with Christian belief. Twenty years later as crisis arose it was re naked as a jaybirded. Samuel Escobar was a attracter who was among the first to know that a special methodology was necessary to get people to reverse together based on shared beliefs. His theology is structured by reevaluating biblical disclosures and relating them to both social and governmental realities as he aims his concentration on a theology of boot march. In his book The clean Global Mission I read about his lengthy thoughts on this matter.In there he is able to consider a new missionary drive and explores how he thinks evangelical mission work ought to be done. The Christian churchs mission on a more global apparent movement is to bring together believers from around the world. Escobar established a theology which starte d with the fraternity that merged social, church and state. Escobar mute that evolving cultures may notalways be in line with traditional Christian beliefs. Missionary work wishs to investigate each new situation for the best possible outcome of all involved. Escobar proposed a missionary work that assigns the bond faith with in its tasks. He hails the success of spiritual works as integral to a mission. The overall effort essential bring forth the involvement of each person who desires to share their faith socially. The projected outcome would be a church able to combine its mission objective with the desire to share its faith with others.Contextual theology disputes the differences of who and when theological literature was written. Theology besides argues the contextual change in the setting. As the need arises to interpret various new religious questions new theology is formulated. Evangelicals now try to plug into the theology to mission work in a modeling that recognize s cultural changes. Escobars theology is said to have incorporated both social science and Biblical revelation. He was an avid supporter for the Bible and started the basis for the theology of mission work. He believed that functional missionaries hightail it out the work as noted in evangelical revelations. The early theologian did not exertion to reach passages in the bible to the current events of the world. Escobar meet with both Pannenberg and Moltmann on this topic.Moltmann believed theology needed to relate to experiences in life. Pannenberg does not view this issue as relevant. He knew that the scriptures stated for followers to await a specific moment in time when the final truth, that which we cannot understand with limited knowledge would be revealed to us. Moltmanns theology is landed estateed in biblical descriptions to him the scriptures are more than mere tales, they are real historical events and should be clarified as such. Pannenbergs view on Biblical history is very much the same. Grenz when asked summarized Pannenbergs theology as a notion of faith which is not a way of knowing in addition to reason but it is grounded in public historical knowledge. Both theologians offer their interpretations of the Bible not by considering it a legend but by claiming its historicity and its accurateness.The role of the gospel is also stressed by Escobar just like the other two theologians he approaches the issues by considering the countersigns first, the world and how the Scriptures apply to the issue. Theology capacity not necessarily be dependent on the Bible but it tries to imply a need forknowledge and understanding of deity. Evangelicals and missionaries would be inconceivable without the Bible. Escobar argues that evangelicals must first acknowledge that they themselves have a yen way to go in terms of deepening their understanding of biblical based mission work. In order to establish this as valid they must base it on sound biblical teachi ngs.Escobar goes on to further state that theology history and the social science are useful as tools utilise for better understanding of Gods word and for contemporary mission work but but Gods Word that is inspired and always able to renew the mission. Escobar relates theology to history as he correlates these to sciences which are substantially valid for providing rational arguments in regards to the existence or the non existence of God. many a(prenominal) scientists disregard the Biblical truth as actual fact and indeed are moreinclined to read the Scripture as fantasy instead of historical true events. Evangelicals who are without adequate historical awareness or biblical training are subjected to making mistakes. He goes on to further emphasize that criticism must stand as the instrument of correction. The most basic convictions must remain a solid ground for evangelists and they must learn to embrace and sustain what is critical nature.When confronted with a setting that encompasses different cultures and we need to relate the Biblical truth in a way that is comprehensible and accurate for everyone we need to draw a line between what we think is valid and what individuals who are part of different cultures regard as such. We may stand solid for a certain group of individuals but it may not be relevant to a different group of people. It is with in this understanding that contextual theology is able to relate and the situation relates to the Bible being multi-cultural for all people. The Bible was written above culture and stands for everyone. In this sense working within a multi cultureal environment requires one to gain thourough knowledge of specific cultures while being feed to sugesstions and having the ability to realate those ideas to traditional Biblical truths.ReferenceEscobar, S. (2002). Changing Tides Latin America and World Mission Today,Orbis Books Escobar, S. (2011). A Time for Mission The Challengefor Global Christianity, InterVarsity PressFord, David F., ed. (1997). The Modern Theologians An Introduction to Christian theology in the twentieth century (2nd ed.). Malden, MAGrenz, S.J. (1988). Wolfhart Pannenbergs quest for untimate truth Religion online. Retrieved August 20, 2014Grenz, S. J., & Olson, R. E. (1992). 20th-century theology God and the world in a transitional age. Downers Grove, IL InterVarsity Press.