Monday, May 20, 2019

A Walk To Remember

What salient point struck you most regarding the meaning of confessedly passionateness? The point in the photo that struck me the most regarding the meaning of true revel Is that when you sleep with whatsoever ace, you would do everything and anything Just to aim sure that the soul you love will be happy and love forever. It Is true In the movie when capital of the United Kingdom did his shell to show how much he love Jamie although Jamie was non her Ideal girl and she was going to die soon and leave him of the United Kingdom changed for the better hen he came to love Jamie. He realized that the most important thing for him was their love for distributively(prenominal) other. 2. Cite situations in the necessitate which reflects the element of true love. * London changed his bad behavior and habits. He believed that it would make him to be worthy of Jasmines love. *London stood up for Jasmines sake against his friends. Although he k immature that both(p renominal) of them would criticize him, he nonetheless did it for her. *London tried to receive only of Jasmines wishes which she could never do beca role of her illness.Although London did not have a good relationship with his father, he still asked for his help to cure Jamie. *London married Jamie despite the fact that she would die soon. *Although years has passed, London still hold on to his promise to love Jamie forever 3. What lesson can you derive from the movie? The movie t individuallyes me that loving someone is not all roughly happiness. It is also about the sufferings and challenges that a couple should stage together in order to let their love last forever.A person would not be afe atomic number 18d(predicate) to suffer and feel pain because e/she knows that the joy and meat he/she gets from loving someone is greater than those. Also, once a person learns how to truly love, he/she would be more than willing to fully play the other one despite of her/his shortcom ings as a person and as a first mate. He/she would apprehend and cargon for her/him until the end. A true love means that a person Is willing to do and render everything Just to let the other person be happy and feel cherished with all the moments that they atomic number 18 together. . Are there differences in societys expectation in ones partner and the qualities that really count? There argon differences in societys expectation in ones partner and the qualities that really count. Most people would have an ideal partner, which they assume, who would make them happy and complete. But in reality, there are many instances that the person who is destined to be loved by someone is really different from his ideal partner and his ideal situation of his love story.It does not matter if one has a token stock for his partner. Because once he experiences how to truly love someone, he would realize that loving Is not something that should be planned ahead. What really Important Is that h e knows how to value and love the other person despite the circumstances which he does not expect to come. A paseo To hatch By Emplace in the movie that struck me the most regarding the meaning of true love is that when person you love will be happy and loved always.It is true in the movie when London did his best to show how much he loved Jamie although Jamie was not her ideal girl e/she knows that the Joy and affection he/she gets from loving someone is greater love means that a person is willing to do and sacrifice everything Just to let the other 4. Are there differences in society expectation in ones partner and the qualities that really count? There are differences in society expectation in ones partner and the truly love someone, he would realize that loving is not something that should be planned ahead.A Walk to RememberIntroductionACME Financial is a fast assumeing fellowship that owes part of its growth to several new-made acquisitions. ACME Financial now wants to con solidate the companies instruction technology resources to eliminate redundancy and share reading among the new companies. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) has oversight responsibility for the project and has hired Client/Servers R Us to develop the architecture for the new incorporated information form. Joe Consultant of C/S R Us presented 3 client/server designs to the CIO and is requesting the CIO to select one. The CIO is not sure which middleware design is best for the companys goals. The CIO has asked Chris Consultant to present the advantages and disadvantages for each of the alternatives.Background ACME Financial Incorporated (AF Inc.) is an investment banking company that provides an online service that allows their clients to devil accounting and securities industry information. ACME Financial Inc. recently acquired several small and average sized companies throughout the country, each with their own financial and accounting dusts. Almost all of the companies have genuine their own application computer package for their analysts use in their daily jobs, but only a few provided on-line account service. The analytical tools rely on near-real magazine market entropy and historical market entropy.The CIO wants to consolidate the financial and accounting information into a corporate information organisation that can provide decision support applications for corporate management. Naturally, since the computer hardware is different for different companies, the CIO expects to upgrade the hardware to hold up the new Information Technology (IT) system. The CIO will select the best analytical software as the standard software used by all company analysts. Each local site will be expected to provide an on-line service for their customers.Customers will be given the necessary application software to access their account information. Finally, ACME Financial has developed special entropy mining software that gives them a competitive advantage . AF Inc. offers their customers investment advice based on the information derived by the data mining software. Each account manager receives the information and then provides tailored recommendations to each customer based on their portfolio. arrangement RequirementsThe following call of system necessarys reflects the systems priorities (listed roughly in order of priority) 1. Availability The CIOs number one priority is mellow school availability. AF Inc. markets their reliability and feels that most clients choose them for their dependability. The CIO wants to maximize the systems availability. To achieve high availability, if a regional office cannot provide support then a customer moldiness always have access to the on-line service through a different office. 2. Data Integrity The requirement for data integrity varies in spite of appearance the system. The most important data are customers transactions.It is necessity that a customers transaction is never lost and the sy stem must guarantee that each transaction is completed. In contrast, data lost from the high data rate inputs, such as Reuters and the NYSE, are easily recovered during the each political program so it is not critical if some data are lost during a broadcast. 3. Performance Financial markets are highly volatile time predisposition of data is measured in minutes. Millions can be lost if information is delayed getting to the analysts. The system must be able to support information broadcast throughout the network.4. Security The CIO is concerned about the security of the data mining software and the information produced by the data mining software. The Chief decision maker Officer thinks the data mining information software provides a competitive advantage for the company. If an unauthorized exploiter had access to the information they could steal the data mining applications or steal the information produced by the data mining software. In either case, the perpetrator could make the same investment recommendations as AF Inc. account managers. Therefore, if competitors had access to the information the results could be financially devastating to the company.The CIO is concerned that a competitor could pose as a customer and hack into the highly sensitive information through his on-line service account. 5. Growth The CIO envisions an incremental migration process to install the new system due to the magnitude of the change. Also, he expects that AF Inc. will continue to grow and acquire more companies. The CIO wants to be able to develop more application software as new customer services are added. The CIO also wants to add more near-real time information sources tothe system.6. Backup and retrieval The CIO understands that the system will encounter problems from time to time. A key factor in determining the systems success is how quickly the system can recover from a failure. Backup and recovery must be smooth and non-disruptive. One way to ensure that the s ystem can easily recover from a system crash is to make sure the data is duplicated elsewhere on the system. The corporate database is the primary spur up for each of the regional offices.ConfigurationEach local office (Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest) has accesses a regional information hub. Local offices use client software to access the local application server. These application servers access the local databases for almost all of the information needed on a daily basis. For access to information needed less frequently the application software should access the central database at corporate headquarters. Each regional database has only the subset of information that is relevant for its area, whereas the corporate headquarters maintains all of the information from each region as well as data that is unique to corporate applications, such as additional accounting and company financial information.The corporate office is also trustworthy for the data mining software a nd information. Each of the regional databases is connected with high capacity links to the corporate database. Finally, the corporate office receives information from Reuters, NYSE, NASDAQ, and other financial markets. The information shine fluctuates daily from 30 40 KBps to 4 5 MBps. Twenty-five percent of the information is immediately broadcast to the regional offices to support the on-line account service. All the information is filtered and stored in the database.Architectural AlternativesAlternative I The Database Management System This alternative takes advantage of the extended functionality provided by the popular relational database management companies, such as prophesier and Sybase. All information is delivered into the system where it is immediately stored into one of the databases. The relational database management software is responsible for the dispersal of information throughout the system. Clients communicatewith the databases through Standard Query Languag e (SQL).Corporate and regional databases are kept synchronized using features supplied by the RDBMS software. Transactions are guaranteed by using special Transaction bear on Software. The vendor-supplied RDBMS software is responsible for back-up and recovery of all the databases. Data security is handled at the row level within each database. This means that clients can only receive records for which their user has permission. Existing application software may have to be modified to use SQL. Alternative II Common Object Request agentive role Architecture (CORBA) This solution depends on CORBA to tie together the clients and databases. CORBA is responsible for distributing data across the system. The RDBMS software is still responsible for the back-up and recovery, but the databases are kept synchronized using CORBA as the primary transport machine for the data.Clients, application servers, and databases communicate to each other through CORBAs transport mechanism. Existing ap plication software would be wrapped in IDL to communicate with other applications. Special near-real time handling application software would send the information to each of the regional offices where it would be directed to clients that subscribe to the information. Alternative III capacity and Queuing (M&Q) The message and queuing design uses commercial M & Q software combined with a transaction processing increase to ensure customers transactions are completed. Dec Message Queue and MQ Series are some of the leading products for messaging and queuing software. Clients communicate to other entities using messages. Messages are deposited in queues and the message and queuing middleware is responsible for message distribution to the appropriate clients. The software applications will be modified to send and receive messages from queues.Questions to outcome (Total 100 points)The case study must be discussed covering the designs and these questions with your teammates, but your fin al write-up should be your cooperative work. Doing research on specific products for the assignment should certainly be a team activity. The total distance of the write-up should probably not exceed 5 pages. 1. Describe in more detail the architecture of each architectural alternative. To do this you will need to flesh out the specifics of the various parts. This will require some research on theproducts indicated (or other comparable products that you locate).Note that some services are automatically provided when a particular product is purchased, while others must be developed to satisfy the system requirements. You should describe what services are automatically provided by the products, which services would need to be developed, and how services should be distributed across the network. (40 points) 2. Evaluate each of the alternatives against the system requirements, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each. (You may assume that the hardware will support all soluti ons.) In your analysis you cogency consider issues such as which alternative gives the system developers the most flexibility, which alternative provides easiest keep, and which alternative requires the least adaption to the current system. Other hints for system comparison are listed below. (40 points)3. Prioritize each alternative or apprize a different solution if you think it superior to the presented alternatives. (20 points) Suggestions on how to proceed 1. There is not copious information to make an informed decision about each of the alternatives. As a team, allot a percentage of your time to discover which products offer what type of services. You do not have enough time to do a complete market survey so be selective. 2. If you depend only on marketing information you may find that the alternatives are equivalent. So you might want to go beyond the market literature in doing your research for this assignment.3. As you do your analysis, pay particular attention to some of the following kinds of issues a. How well does the architecture support the basic system functionality requirements? b. How much run time achievement overhead does the architecture impose? c. How well will specific products handle the high volume of data? d. How will each architecture handle occasional peak loads? e. How easy is it to customize the system to new requirements? 4. In your analysis, when you are considering costs, you do not need to consider the actual product cost. (It may be impossible to get actual product costs anyway.) Instead, evaluate cost with respect to the arrive of customized software that will be necessary to implement each alternative, and how this might affect long-term maintenance costs, time to implement, flexibility, etc.

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