Friday, May 24, 2019

The Social Role of Women

If asked what is the social role of women? The most logical answer would be that of a mother, a nurturer. Someone else may say barefoot and pregnant nevertheless it all panned break to be the same thing, inferiority. Throughout the centuries, women such as Mary Wollstonecraft fought to change this gender stereotype. It is socially thought that women are inferior to men, which is palliate the case in many countries. A Vindication on the Rights of Women was written back in the 1700s, where women were to be submissive to their husbands.Disobedience was not tolerated. The cooking, cleaning, and rearing of children was the main objective. Wollstonecraft pointed out in her writings her displeasure of the government, and how women were not allowed to participate in the political issues but were expected to abide by its laws. Women were poorly organized, but expected to educate their children. Therefore, children received poor educations (Wollstonecraft) . Even in this time many women f elt the woes of their confinement and precious to be more socially accepted.Women played major roles in shaping this country. During the Civil War, women such as Sarah Emma Edmonds acted as nurses, Union and Confederate soldiers, and even spies (Wilson) . After the Civil War, it brought about significant change for womens rights. Wollstonecraft wanted equal opportunity in the political policy as well as in the government. She wrote a letter to M. Talleyrand Perigord, Late Bishop of Autun, she states, I plead for my wake up not for myself, in calling upon you now to weigh what I do advanced respecting the rights of woman and national education. (Wollstonecraft) Wollstonecraft demanded Perigord do an investigation on the Constitution, and when it is revise that women be included in the revised version. As we look at todays social standards, we as women have come a coarse way. We now own businesses we are in congress, and even running for President. I do believe that a woman woul d be able to run this country just as well as men. We are the backbones of our men without us they would not have gone as far as we have. We still have some obstacles to hurdle over.Now that we have broken out of the homes and into the workplace, we must now battle to be equally paid and acknowledged as that of men. Women are lose but we are paving our own way to equality. One day we will be looked at as an opponent and not a subordinate.Bibliography Wilson, Barbara A. Women were There. 3 December 2010 <http//userpages. aug. com/captbarb/femvets2. html>. Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication on the Rights of Women. New York, NY Penguin Classics, 2004.

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